
This is the very first homework assignment from my CodeClan course. Included here as I love books! Also because the clean up was more tricky than originally intended.

Data cleaning

  • Initially reading in the data generated a parsing error due to mislabeled quotes
    • This was fixed by including quote = "" in the read_csv()
  • 12 parsing errors remained in the data
    • Investigating with problems() revealed four rows with data that has skipped a column because of an extra comma in the authors column
    • These commas were manually removed
    • The .csv was resaved as books_edit.csv
  • Missing pages were recoded as missing (NA) if page number was zero
  • Average ratings were recoded as NA if average_rating = 0 and ratings_count > 0 (you can’t have an average rating of nothing if you have had a rating count)
  • Ratings count were recoded as NA if average_rating > 0 and ratings_count = 0 (you can’t have a rating count of nothing if there is an average rating score)
books_clean <- read_csv(here("./content/project/2021-09-10-goodreads/clean_data/books_clean.csv"))
## ── Column specification ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
## cols(
##   book_id = col_double(),
##   title = col_character(),
##   authors = col_character(),
##   average_rating = col_double(),
##   isbn = col_character(),
##   isbn13 = col_character(),
##   language_code = col_character(),
##   num_pages = col_double(),
##   ratings_count = col_double(),
##   text_reviews_count = col_double(),
##   publication_date = col_character(),
##   publisher = col_character()
## )

Looking at the authors

Questions I want to answer:

  • How many different authors are there?
  • Who are the top ten most rated authors (based on rating count)?
  • Who are the ten authors with the longest books?
#count all the unique authors
books_clean %>%
  distinct(authors) %>% 
## # A tibble: 1 x 1
##       n
##   <int>
## 1  6643

There are 6643 different authors listed. However, I note some authors may be listed more than once if they are coauthors.

Let’s look at the top ten authors based on total number of reviews.

author_subset <- books_clean %>% 
  select(authors, title, ratings_count, num_pages)

reviewed_top_ten <- author_subset %>% 
  slice_max(ratings_count, n = 10)
## # A tibble: 10 x 4
##    authors                title                          ratings_count num_pages
##    <chr>                  <chr>                                  <dbl>     <dbl>
##  1 Stephenie Meyer        Twilight (Twilight  #1)              4597666       501
##  2 J.R.R. Tolkien         The Hobbit  or There and Back…       2530894       366
##  3 J.D. Salinger          The Catcher in the Rye               2457092       277
##  4 Dan Brown              Angels & Demons (Robert Langd…       2418736       736
##  5 J.K. Rowling/Mary Gra… Harry Potter and the Prisoner…       2339585       435
##  6 J.K. Rowling/Mary Gra… Harry Potter and the Chamber …       2293963       341
##  7 J.K. Rowling/Mary Gra… Harry Potter and the Order of…       2153167       870
##  8 J.R.R. Tolkien         The Fellowship of the Ring (T…       2128944       398
##  9 George Orwell/Boris G… Animal Farm                          2111750       122
## 10 J.K. Rowling/Mary Gra… Harry Potter and the Half-Blo…       2095690       652

Looks like Stephenie Meyer with the first Twilight book has received the most ratings on Goodreads! J.K. Rowling also features several times in the top ten most rated authors.

Now I will have a look at the authors with the longest books.

longest_top_ten <- author_subset %>% 
  slice_max(num_pages, n = 10)
## # A tibble: 10 x 4
##    authors                     title                     ratings_count num_pages
##    <chr>                       <chr>                             <dbl>     <dbl>
##  1 Patrick O'Brian             The Complete Aubrey/Matu…          1338      6576
##  2 Winston S. Churchill/John … The Second World War               1493      4736
##  3 Marcel Proust/C.K. Scott M… Remembrance of Things Pa…             6      3400
##  4 J.K. Rowling                Harry Potter Collection …         28242      3342
##  5 Thomas Aquinas              Summa Theologica  5 Vols           2734      3020
##  6 Dennis L. Kasper/Dan L. Lo… Harrison's Principles of…            23      2751
##  7 J.K. Rowling/Mary GrandPré  Harry Potter Boxed Set  …         41428      2690
##  8 Terry Goodkind              The Sword of Truth  Boxe…          4196      2480
##  9 Christina Scull/Wayne G. H… The J.R.R. Tolkien Compa…            45      2264
## 10 Anonymous                   Study Bible: NIV                   4166      2198

Ah, this was a bit of a trick question as the books listed with the highest page numbers are mostly box sets! Interestingly, two J.K. Rowling box sets feature in this list.

Looking at the languages

I would like to have a look at the different languages of books in this dataset.

Questions I want to answer:

  • How many languages are there?
  • How many text reviews do books written in English have?
  • How many text reviews do books written in non-English have?
  • Is this count similar for the overall ratings received for English and non-English books?
  • Who are the top ten publishers of English books?
  • Who are the top ten publishers of non-English books?
#counting how many languages there are and arranging them alphabetically
books_clean %>% 
  distinct(language_code) %>%
## # A tibble: 27 x 1
##    language_code
##    <chr>        
##  1 ale          
##  2 ara          
##  3 en-CA        
##  4 en-GB        
##  5 en-US        
##  6 eng          
##  7 enm          
##  8 fre          
##  9 ger          
## 10 gla          
## # … with 17 more rows

There are 27 different languages in the books dataset. It looks like English is coded four times: eng (which is not a localisation language code), en-US, en-GB and en-CA. (Additional note: enm is middle english, so I will not include this as an English book).

Let’s find out what the total text_reviews_count and ratings_count is in all four English groups compared to all other languages.

#subset the dataset to answer the questions on English books
#add a column, english, set to TRUE if the language is English

language_subset <- books_clean %>% 
  select(language_code, publisher, ratings_count, text_reviews_count) %>% 
  mutate(english = case_when(
      language_code %in% c("eng", "en-GB", "en-CA", "en-US") ~ TRUE,
      TRUE ~ FALSE)

#generate a summary table counting the total number of text reviews and ratings counts for English and non-English books

language_subset %>% 
  group_by(english) %>% 
    sum(ratings_count, na.rm = TRUE))
## # A tibble: 2 x 3
##   english `sum(text_reviews_count)` `sum(ratings_count, na.rm = TRUE)`
##   <lgl>                       <dbl>                              <dbl>
## 1 FALSE                       31823                            1560813
## 2 TRUE                      5997392                          198017611

Unsurprisingly perhaps, there are far more text reviews for books written in English (eng, en-GB, en-US and en-CA) than in all other languages combined (5997392 compared to 31823). If we put it as a percentage, 99.47% of the text reviews in this Goodreads dataset are written for English books, and only 0.53% of the text reviews are in another language.

This is also seen when looking at the total for all ratings count (198017611 ratings for English books compared to 1560813, or 78.2% of ratings compared to 21.8%).

Let’s look at the publishers with the most English titles and the publishers with the most non-English titles.

publisher_subset <- language_subset %>% 
  group_by(publisher) %>% 
  mutate(non_english = !english) %>% 
    tot_eng = sum(english), 
    tot_non_eng = sum(non_english)
## # A tibble: 2,293 x 3
##    publisher                       tot_eng tot_non_eng
##    <chr>                             <int>       <int>
##  1 "\"Tarcher\""                         1           0
##  2 "10/18"                               0           2
##  3 "1st Book Library"                    1           0
##  4 "1st World Library"                   1           0
##  5 "A & C Black (Childrens books)"       1           0
##  6 "A Harvest Book/Harcourt  Inc."       1           0
##  7 "A K PETERS"                          1           0
##  8 "AA World Services"                   1           0
##  9 "Abacus"                              6           0
## 10 "Abacus Books"                        1           0
## # … with 2,283 more rows
#select publishers with the most books in English
top_eng_publishers <- publisher_subset %>% 
  slice_max(tot_eng, n = 10)
## # A tibble: 10 x 3
##    publisher        tot_eng tot_non_eng
##    <chr>              <int>       <int>
##  1 Vintage              317           1
##  2 Penguin Books        261           0
##  3 Penguin Classics     183           1
##  4 Mariner Books        149           1
##  5 Ballantine Books     143           1
##  6 HarperCollins        112           0
##  7 Pocket Books         111           0
##  8 Bantam               110           0
##  9 Harper Perennial     110           2
## 10 VIZ Media LLC         88           0
#Select publishers with the most books in non-English
top_non_eng_publishers <- publisher_subset %>% 
  slice_max(tot_non_eng, n = 10)
## # A tibble: 11 x 3
##    publisher          tot_eng tot_non_eng
##    <chr>                <int>       <int>
##  1 Debolsillo               1          17
##  2 Gallimard                1          15
##  3 小学館                   0          15
##  4 Pocket                   3          14
##  5 Planeta Publishing       0          13
##  6 Plaza y Janes            1          13
##  7 集英社                   0          12
##  8 J'ai Lu                  0          10
##  9 Ediciones B              0           9
## 10 Glénat                   0           9
## 11 Punto de Lectura         0           9

The top ten publishers with the most English titles are very different from the top ten publishers with the most non-English titles! Interestingly in both groups there are some book titles in other languages. The top ten publishers with non-English titles contains 11 publishers. This is because there are several publishers with the same total count of non-English books.

Anne Braae
Anne Braae
Freelance Data Scientist
